Show Me YOUR Glory!!!

After a much needed weekend on Coronado, I made my way to the evening service at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley California, to see what the Lord might engrav

e upon my heart this night. What a treat! Dr. Steve Lawson has been at Grace

for the past coule of weeks as Dr. John MacArthur is on a much deserved holiday - and he is so full of passion and excitement for the word! (Plus he has this great Tennessee accent to go with it all). His sermon was titled pretty simply: “Show Me Your Glory.”

Here is a prayer that ought to be on the heart of every believer! The sermon’s focal point was the mercy of God, but what stung deeper into my heart, was Dr. Lawson’s declaration of the power of this prayer – in its intensity – to dig the believer out of the shallow cup of lukewarm Christianity into the depths of faith.

I wish that I had my notes from the sermon right here beside me so that I could quote Dr. Lawson and reference all of the verses that went into this point, but it isn’t, and it is getting late, so I ought to finish this and find my way to bed instead.

This year I have been blessed many times over in my proximity to countless teachers of sound faith and doctrine, but this is not enough – as Dr. Lawson pointed out – this has to be a personal prayer, not just a congregational prayer – this has to be a declaration, a plea, from the deepest shadows of my soul, not just an utterance of my lips. I am as yet a lukewarm Christian – I am drowning in my academic, nonchalant, lackadaisical approach to scripture. Even in the shadow of such great teachers as I have found myself this year, it is not enough until my commitment to scripture, growth, and to The Lord is personal, and even then I will fall hopelessly short.

Let me make this plea public then, let me cry out “Aba! Father!! SHOW ME YOUR GLORY!!!” – but let this be the plea of the depths of my spirit as well, as of every believer.

Though I am floundering in shallow water, there are many who have sampled the depths but have begun to stagnate – to this Dr. Lawson so helpfully pointed out that there is always something more to learn of God’s Glory than has already been divulged. This prayer belonged to Moses first – among the most affirmed men in the Bible – having visited God on Mount Sinai already, surely he knew more than modern men already – but yet he recognized that he had still more to learn.

Father I pray that I may never (again) forget that there is infinitely more of you for me to come to know – may I never grow bored in seeking you, searching for you in my heart, and learning of you in my mind. Stitch my soul into the fabric of your believers so that I may become one with the body, that my eyes might see your glory in every piece of creation around me.

In Your Son’s precious name,


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